
Welcome to PriceRaptor

Our mission is to be the very best internet marketing solution for our clients.  We strive for efficiency, and to produce maximum lead generation at the lowest possible cost.  Dollar for dollar there is none better.

We are successful at posting internet ads for automobile dealers, realtors, contractors, and others.  Anyone seeking a larger internet presence will benefit greatly from PriceRaptor services.


Automobile Dealers

We can browse your entire used vehicle inventory and create ‘online friendly’ ads that successfully post to internet classifieds.  Our statistics show that we generate approximately 2 leads per month per vehicle in your inventory.  So a 100 vehicle inventory will produce 200 leads per month and in some cases even more!.


If you are struggling to find new clients we can help.  Just create an MLS portal of the properties you want advertised and we will do the rest.  We retrieve the property information including photos, create a flyer for all the properties and post them on the internet. 


Ready to expand your business or low on work?  From roofing, tile work, landscaping, electrical to HVAC systems and more.  We can provide a tremendous amount of leads to successfully grow your business.